NGI News Letter - vol.8
2019/09/19 08:47 am

Dear partners, Warm, bright, and super-sunny summer greetings to you all from NGI! To keep you updated regularly, NGI hopes to share with you various activities and ministries we had every quarter, and this newsletter contains news from January to May 2019. Recently, NGI went to the Nehemiah Family Camp in Jeju Island with 40 North Korean refugees. We jumped and praised together, prayed for each other with tears for the family they left behind in the North. We also had time to recover our exhausted spirit and body in the presence of the Lord, by listening to a lecture on love and interpersonal relationships of God the Father. Above all, 10 out of the 24 North Korean refugees accepted Jesus Christ. Looking at this camp, we could see the ‘Seed of Revival’ was planted that will ignite a revival on the Korea peninsula from Halla to Baekdu as God told us through the prayer warriors. The NGI will continue to work together to help the North Korean refugees unleash the seeds of revival in them. Through various programs, we strive to help North Korean refugees recover spiritually and emotionally and to ensure the kingdom of God comes down on this land. We acknowledge we could not have done this ourselves, and it was possible because of you. The seed of revival is being planted and built through the service and sharing of the partners and volunteers. Thank you again for remembering the North Korean refugees and joining us in prayer and taking interests in the ministries for their recovery and re-establishment. Sincerely, Kenneth Bae
Dear partners,
Warm, bright, and super-sunny summer greetings to you all from NGI!
To keep you updated regularly, NGI hopes to share with you various activities and ministries we had every quarter, and this newsletter contains news from January to May 2019.
Recently, NGI went to the Nehemiah Family Camp in Jeju Island with 40 North Korean refugees. We jumped and praised together, prayed for each other with tears for the family they left behind in the North. We also had time to recover our exhausted spirit and body in the presence of the Lord, by listening to a lecture on love and interpersonal relationships of God the Father. Above all, 10 out of the 24 North Korean refugees accepted Jesus Christ.
Looking at this camp, we could see the ‘Seed of Revival’ was planted that will ignite a revival on the Korea peninsula from Halla to Baekdu as God told us through the prayer warriors.
The NGI will continue to work together to help the North Korean refugees unleash the seeds of revival in them. Through various programs, we strive to help North Korean refugees recover spiritually and emotionally and to ensure the kingdom of God comes down on this land.
We acknowledge we could not have done this ourselves, and it was possible because of you. The seed of revival is being planted and built through the service and sharing of the partners and volunteers.
Thank you again for remembering the North Korean refugees and joining us in prayer and taking interests in the ministries for their recovery and re-establishment.
Kenneth Bae
NGI Update
![]() 2019 First Nehemiah Family Camp
"The place I wanted to go most in South Korea was Jeju Island”
the NGI held the first <Nehemiah Family Camp> at Jeju Island’s University of Nations Jeju campus, where 40 North Korean refugees, their children and volunteers and staff gathered under the theme “The Seed of Revival.”
Sea Route Project
NGI runs the 'Sea Route Project' once a month to deliver rice and gospel to North Korea through the sea route on the west coast.
Especially in May 2019, we spent meaningful time with Venezuelan missionary Henry, who has long devoted himself to North Korean missions in C country, with the families of North Korean refugees who have long been associated with NGI.
If you wish to partner with us in the Sea Route Project, or if you want to volunteer individually in this project, please contact NGI at (02-363-8488)
Nehemiah One Million
Prayer Petition
As of May 2019, 3,857 people (from 63 countries, 709 cities) have signed the ‘Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition’.
Your prayers can change North Korea!
We invite you to sign our Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition. The Never-Ending Prayer Torch,
Nehemiah Prayer Meeting
We gather weekly every Tuesday evening to pray for the unification of North Korea and the Korean Peninsula in the hope of God.
We invite you to join us in this place of grace among North Korean refugees, South Koreans, Diaspora, and people from all over the world.
Every Tuesday 7:30PM
Nehemiah Global Community Center (3F, 341, Sinwol-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea)
![]() NGI started Sunday
Worship Service!
It all began when the North Korean refugees asked,
“We don't have anywhere to go on Sunday. Does NGI have a worship service on Sunday?" The NGI initiated Sunday Worship Service from February 2019 to help North Korean refugees learn more about God. Since the end of March 2019, we have been holding weekly service at the Nehemiah Global Community Center. Please pray for the refugees and their children to recover and establish their identity through this service. Nehemiah English School
In the first half of 2019, we opened introductory, basic and elementary English classes for eight weeks, primarily for North Korean refugees in South Korea who struggle with the English language. Five North Korean refugee mothers and a young man attended to complete a book on phonics, learning the basics of English.
In addition to that, the Winter Vacation Intensive English Spiritual Training (IESP) was held from Monday to Friday morning from January 15 to February 28 for young North Korean refugees and their children. We need volunteers and mentors at the Nehemiah English School. Your small but precious participation provides hope and courage to the North Korean residents and refugees.
Nehemiah Youth Club
@ Yangpyeong
The Nehemiah Youth Club (NYC) is a ministry that focuses on youths aged 14 to 24 years old from South Korea, North Korea, and international. NYC explores various activities in preparing them to be the reunification generation for rebuilding One Korea before the Lord.
From March 30 to March 31, eight teenagers from South and North Korea, four NGI staffs and two volunteers went for NYC retreat in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi Province, to spend time away from daily routines, experiencing deepen encounters with God and having a glimpse of living together in a unified Korea. 2019 2nd Nehemiah North Korean Missions Academy
NGI held the second Nehemiah North Korean Missions Academy every Thursday for eight weeks from April 14 to May 2, 2019. Its aim is to give an overall understanding of North Korea and prepare for unification. In addition to understanding North Korean society, culture, economy, politics, and diplomacy, we covered a variety of topics such as the role of young refugees, the North Korean people's religion and human rights, actual preparation for a unified Korea, understanding and practice of North Korean refugee ministry.
Through this academy, we believe that God has been pleased to receive the hearts of students who eagerly want to know and learn about North Korea. Please continue to pray that more people would rise as North Korean missionaries through Nehemiah North Korean Missions Academy. ![]() ![]() |