NGI News Letter - vol.11 (2020 Spring News)
2020/05/22 08:32 am

First, we would like to express our deep appreciation to you for your continuous prayers and support for NGI’s missions in the midst of the global crisis, COVID-19. We can feel your support in many ways, every single day. Due to the effects fo CoVID-19, we have been facing many obstacles, physically and financially, in participating in our monthly Nehemiah Prayer Gatherings, home visitations, refugee work at Hanawon, Nehemiah English School, English Reunification Camp, etc. I personally had to be self-quarantined for two weeks after returning to Seoul from the United States of America and had to go through several operations once I was out of quarantine.
Dear Partners, this is Kenneth Bae.
First, we would like to express our deep appreciation to you for your continuous prayers and support for NGI’s missions in the midst of the global crisis, COVID-19. We can feel your support in many ways, every single day.
Due to the effects fo CoVID-19, we have been facing many obstacles, physically and financially, in participating in our monthly Nehemiah Prayer Gatherings, home visitations, refugee work at Hanawon, Nehemiah English School, English Reunification Camp, etc. I personally had to be self-quarantined for two weeks after returning to Seoul from the United States of America and had to go through several operations once I was out of quarantine.
During these times
In the light of the current outbreak, start something worthwhile from home.
Click button below to enroll!
Escape and CoVID-19: The challenges and feelings of isolation for North Korean Refugee women during a pandemic.
YoonHee, determined to come to South Korea after secretly living in China for some time as an unidentified person. She went through many difficulties and painful moments growing up in China without a legitimate identification. After her escape, arrival in South Korea, and trip to the west coast of the United States of America, YoonHee took a walk with us in the woods. While there she said that the smell of the pine needles reminded her of home, and seeing the ocean helped to clear up her thoughts and emotions.
For YoonHee it was incredibly difficult to open up ... Read more
Birth of a precious child
A sister who has been affiliated with our community became a mother to a baby in the midst of the pandemic. The staff members at NGI could not physically visit them due to the hospital’s CoVID-19 quarantine guidelines. However, we were able to meet and pray for the baby through a video call. How thankful we all are to God for building her family within this community at this time!
Though unable to physically visit everyone due to COVID-19, we are still able to ....
Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition Campaign
As of May 2020, 5,298 people (from 71countries, 881 cities) have signed the
‘Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition’.
Your prayers can change North Korea!
We invite you to sign our Nehemiah One Million Prayer Petition.
#Nehemiah_One_ Million_Prayer_ Petition_Campaign