English Discipleship Training School Winter 2021


English Discipleship Training School Winter 2021
English Discipleship Training School Winter 2021
Hello, my beloved fellows in Christ, this is a missionary Kenneth Bae.
It is hard to believe that 2020 is over as it feels like it has just started. I believe that everyone has been going through tough times this year due to COVID-19. Despite the circumstances, I deeply appreciate all your support and prayers for NGI’s ministry in fostering and establishing the next generation of North Korean refugees as the leaders of God’s generation.    
As I have addressed in the previous newsletters, NGI has a vision to foster and establish the North Korean refugee students as Nehemiah-like leaders in the future. However, the reality is that many North Korean refugee students currently attending college and applying to be admitted to college are facing English as a huge obstacle that impedes their growth and ability to move forward. 
(The biggest reason for the college dropout rate of North Korean refugee students being doubled the rate of South Korean students has been reported to be difficulties with English (33%).) Therefore, Nehemiah English School NES) is planning to open an intensive English Discipleship Training School for 7-weeks throughout this winter break in order to help them rapidly advance their English abilities.

While praying with the administrators of NES for the winter course in January 2021, we have received from God the verse in Isaiah 43 that says that “God will make a way.” Therefore, we have decided on our theme for the winter the course focused on English and spiritual empowerment as following: “He Will Make the Way.” 
In this program the curriculum will be presented in several ways, focusing on free talking by level, guided self-study sessions, etc. At the same time, there will be an English bible study focused on learning about the book of John. Through small group study within our small church community, we will study the book of John, an essential book of the Gospel.
 We will also participate in intercessory prayer focused on North Korea and Korean reunification, and wholehearted worship in the Truth and the Spirit, with the objectives of empowering the students’ intellect, character, and spirit.

We truly believe that these sons and daughters of God can become the ‘Nehemiah-like’ leaders of this generation. For this vision to come true, someone has to plant seeds of His Word in their hearts and water them so they can grow healthy in the Spirit.  NGI fervently desires to step into this role and take action through English Discipleship Training School. With all your support and prayer, this school can surely become the stepping stone for the students to grow to be the ‘Nehemiahs’ for this generation.
This 7-week training course requires 1,200,000KRW (approximate to 1,200USD) per student. This means that we need to raise 24,000,000KRW ($24,000 USD) in order to serve 20 students through this program. This budget covers all the operation of curriculum, including classrooms and teaching, materials, meals, retreats, activities, and other miscellaneous costs.
We pray that God sends all the helping hands to reach out to empower the North Korean refugee students into the strong soldiers of God and Nehemiah-like leaders for this generation.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in peace and joy in His Love.
Kenneth Bae    
Nehemiah Global Initiative NGI
3F, Sinwol-ro 341, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 08027
+82 2-363-8488